Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Golden Cock

The last few times I have been in a Goodwill, some serious crazy shit has happened. Last week a lady walked into a Chandler, AZ Goodwill with her small terrier type dog on a leash as I was standing in line to make a purchase. When the lady entered the door, her dog started squatting and shitting. The lady was not paying attention to her dog at all, and continued to trudge toward the shoe section with a one tracked mind... I’m not sure how she didn’t feel the resistance pulling back on her leash as the dog would scurry along a few feet at a time then squatting to continue relieving himself and a customer said “EXCUSE ME MA’AM” and she turned around and noticed the Shit Show. She had a little mini meltdown since she didn’t have anything to clean it up with and the cashier came to her rescue with a GW bag to clean up.

Come. The. Fuck. On. People. 🤦🏻‍♀️

I hit a few GoodWills yesterday and only found an Early American 043 casserole dish in pretty good condition but NO lid. Thanks to one of my friends, I now refer to the Early American design as Golden Cock...

And as I moved on to the next GW, this sheltered country girl was scurrying around trying to get photos of a real life old man drag queen out for an evening thrift session!!! So I found a lid that could quite possibly be a 043 lid and headed to the register where my FRIEND was standing at the counter...

Check out my amazing lid (that is NOT a 043 BTW)

Added bonus, the lid was only a buck and worth the entertainment 🤣

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Loved 443 left behind...

In today’s Goodwill adventures, I only found one piece of Vintage Pyrex in the WILD. I had a hard time leaving this “Loved” Verde 443 behind but I have like 4 of these bad boys. When I was trying to complete my Verde Cinderella Bowl set, the last piece I needed was a 442 and I kept buying 443’s forgetting what I needed so that’s how I ended up with so many. My Verde Cinderella set of bowls are one of my favorite sets of bowls and I thrifted the whole set one piece at a time! I use this set pretty much daily.

Loved 443 left behind. Still has a lot of life left... hoping this bad boy finds a new home soon!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

BlueBird Corningware

One of my besties gave me a few CorningWare cassarole dishes in the BlueBird print and with all the thrifting I do, I’ve never seen that print before ... I probably just wasn’t paying attention because now I see it everywhere! So now I’m collecting coordinating pieces for the BlueBird CorningWare set. My Pyrex BFF found this cute little saucepan in the WILD for me! Now I just need to find a lid! SCORE!

Monday, September 9, 2019

My first post!

I’ve been stricken with grief after the recent loss of my son, WildManWillie... so I go searching for Vintage Pyrex almost daily, and I am always hoping to find pretty pieces in the WILD aka GoodWill or other Thrift Stores. Thrifting and collecting Vintage Pyrex is my jam and helps me through my journey of grief. With inspiration from my WildGuy, I thought I’d start sharing my Wild Finds!

Today at my first GoodWill stop I found a Butterfly Gold 401 in pretty much mint condition. It looks like it was hardly used, if at all!  I always wonder where the rest of the bowls are, they have to be donated in sets LOL!

Then I looked over and on a random shelf  I found an Autumn Harvest 402, in total mint condition. Again where are the rest of the freaking bowls!!? I think the Goodwill workers are only setting one damn piece out at a time, fuckers.

Then I went to about 8 more GoodWills today and nothing. Wish me luck for tomorrow!!!
